Welcome. I am the James N. Perry Scholar of Philosophy, Politics, and Society in the Program for Research on Religion and Urban Civil Society at the University of Pennsylvania, where I conduct research in political thought, ethics, and action theory, and also teach in the International and Global Master of Public Administration programs.

My first book, Completely Free: The Moral and Political Vision of John Stuart Mill, is with Princeton University Press. It provides an original and unified reconstruction of Mill’s practical philosophy, and advances a sympathetic yet critical argument for the cogency and potency of his Utilitarian liberalism. You can find it here and here.

My next book, tentatively Between Soul and Science: Free Will in the 3rd Millennium, draws heavily on the work of Elizabeth Anscombe to tackle the perennial question of human freedom. My research for this book has been greatly enhanced by the Collegium Institute Anscombe Archive.


Fox-Fels Hall
3814 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

“Meticulous and detailed, scholarly, and clearly written, this is an impressive reconstruction of Mill’s moral, social, and political theory.”
-Alan Ryan, author of On Politics

Completely Free is a great book. John Peter DiIulio writes beautifully and his account of Mill’s vision of happiness and liberty is novel and persuasive.”
-Nadia Urbinati, Columbia University

“Broad, ambitious, and approachable, Completely Free offers a fruitful and engaging interpretation of Mill on happiness, morality, individuality, and freedom.”
-Roger Crisp, University of Oxford